Three Amigos!
Three Amigos!
- Release Date: December 12th, 1986
Three Amigos! is a comedy-western directed by John Landis, starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Martin Short as three out-of-work silent film stars (Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander) who mistakenly believe they’re hired for a performance in Mexico. Unbeknownst to them, they’ve actually been recruited by a small village to fight the infamous bandit El Guapo, who has been terrorizing the townspeople. Hilarity ensues as the Amigos, initially unaware of the real danger, attempt to confront El Guapo with theatrical flair, only to realize they’re in way over their heads.
The scene where The Amigos are being fired by the studio is filmed just outside of Culver Studios at the intersection of Ince Blvd and Carson St.
The Amigos have been ejected from the studio and weren’t even allowed to keep their clothes. They are standing on Ince Blvd looking down Carson St.

The Three Amigos decide to go to Mexico, but first they need their signature costumes. To retrieve them, they must scale the wall and steal them from the studio. This wall is at almost the same location on Ince as the first scene. I believe I was able to spot the exact spot on the wall by the drainage downspouts on the studios building. I believe the large poster of The Dueling Cavelier was covering the door to Stage 15 at Culver Studios.

Fun facts: Chevy Chase can also be seen in Culver City with Carrie Fisher in Under the Rainbow (1981). Also, both scenes Three Amigos! were shot about a block away from the where the opening to Christopher Guest’s For Your Consideration was filmed.